2025 Intel One Mono懶人包,推薦清單整理


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Intel One Mono 是一种富有表现力的等宽字体系列,其构建时考虑到了清晰度、易读 ... Intel One Mono Typeface. Image of Intel One Mono character set.

Intel One Mono

Intel One Mono is a font. The typeface contains 8 files and supports 62 languages. The license is SIL OFL 1.1. The font can be used in commercial and ...

Intel One Mono (free font)

An expressive, unusual monospace typeface with ideal legibility, and character recognition, it aims to reduce eye strain when coding. Get Intel ...


而且“Intel One Mono”是一款开源免费的字体,涵盖了200 多种使用拉丁文字的语言,提供四种粗细Light、Regular、Medium 和Bold,并带有匹配的斜体。这款字体以 ...

Intel One Mono:英特爾免費開源等寬字型下載,提供最佳閱讀體驗

「Intel One Mono」是英特爾公司推出的免費等寬字型,在設計時考慮到清晰度、易讀性和開發人員的需求,不僅富有表現力,還是使用開放原始碼字型授權。

Intel 也出了字型

Hacker News 上看到「Intel One Mono Typeface (github.com/intel)」這個,Intel 也出了字型,以open source license 釋出,GitHub 頁面在「Intel One ...

Intel One Mono 免費等寬字型下載,提升程式碼字體易讀性所開發

Intel One Mono 涵蓋200 多種使用拉丁字母的語言,包含4 種粗細可選擇:Light、Regular、Medium 與Bold;玩家可在Github/intel-one-mono 網頁中,點選右手邊 ...

Intel® One Mono

The Intel One Mono typeface is a free monospace font designed with input from low-vision and legally blind developers for optimized legibility.

Intel One Mono font repository

Introducing Intel One Mono, an expressive monospaced font family that's built with clarity, legibility, and the needs of developers in mind.